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Our company’s history

We have been there for you for over 50 years

We look back on a successful and eventful past….

  • 1966 - Foundation
  • 1968 - First move to larger premises
  • 1971 - Another move - Carl-Zeiss-Strasse
  • 1985 - First extension
  • 1991 - Second addition
  • 1991 - Foundation of Kunststoffverarbeitung Hoffmann GmbH
  • 1991 - Managing director becomes Mr. Thomas Hoffmann
  • 2004 - Third extension
  • 2005 - ISO 9001:2008 certification
  • 2009 - Fourth annex
  • 2015 - Laying of the foundation stone hall-& office building with approx. 2500sqm
  • 2015 - Move in November to our new building - Humboldtstraße
  • 2016 - 50th anniversary
  • 2017 - ISO 9001:2015 certification
  • 2018 - Market launch of FG small actuators, expansion of development
  • 2018 - Use ultrasonic welding process for product assembly
  • 2019 - Addition of automated laser marking to production.
  • 2020 - Expansion of our operations to include the aerospace industries.

… And continue to position ourselves securely for the future.

With our dedicated and long-standing employees, we can offer the entire production chain of plastic products: From design and development to our own mold making to manufacturing (of course, also in two-component technology), machining, assembly and printing, packaging. Our customers are mainly from the automotive sector, but also from the electrical as well as the lock and fitting industry. We are independent of any industry.

Our new building in 2015 with approx. 2500sqm offers plenty of space for your current requirements and also has sufficient reserves for future expansions. Even the trucks are loaded dry in the hall from now on and can also leave it forward again. So trucks with your products are even faster on the A44 - highway, which is only a stone’s throw away.